Friday, August 30, 2013

Proving GCD is a kernel

At MLSS yesterday Bernard Scholkopf presented an interesting question:

"Is gcd(m,n) a valid kernel"

To me this does not seem difficult. Below is a rather simple proof to show it is a kernel.

Step 1: To prove this, we first realize that it is sufficient to prove log(gcd(m,n)) is a kernel since we know that the exponent of a kernel is a kernel.

Step 2: I will prove that it is a kernel by explicitly constructing a vector space under which log(gcd(m,n) is a dot product.


FEATURES: There is a single feature for each prime p (e.g. 2,3,5,7 ..) as well as every higher power of p as well. So for prime number p, there is a feature for p, p2, p3 .... (e.g. 5,25,125,....)

FEATURE VALUE: If the feature for prime p or any of its powers (p2, p3 etc..) is "on" (i.e. non-zero) then the value of the feature is always √log(p).

Lastly we have to describe the feature vector for an arbitrary number n

FEATURE VECTOR: For a number n with prime factorization n = p1q1 * p2q2 * ... pkqk. Then the feature vector for this number will only have these features turned on/non-zero: (∀ i) pi1,pi2,...,piqi


It is not hard to see that the dot product of two feature vectors in this space is the log of the gcd of the two numbers.

To see this consider a common prime factor p which has multiplicity q1 in the first number and multiplicity q2 (>= q1 w.l.o.g.) in the second number. Now note the two feature vectors will have p1,p2,...pq1 as common non-zero elements. Hence this contributes a factor of q1*log(p)=log(pq1) towards the dot product, which is exactly the contribution of this prime factor p towards the log(gcd).


There are other alternate proofs I can think of (including one which proves that the log gcd is a positive definite matrix). However this seems like the simplest and easiest to understand.

If you have an alternate proof that is even simpler please let me know.

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