Saturday, April 23, 2011

Yet Another Grad Student Blog?

While there are tons of other awesome grad student blogs out there, the natural question which arises is why another one? The short answer: Expressing MY opinion. The slightly longer version: While other students may present their viewpoint on a topic or a paper, I felt I would like to share my opinions and thoughts as well and hence want to put it out there. I also felt this would be a good way for me to articulate my thoughts on a subject and hence would benefit me as well.

As for what can you expect me to blog about? Hmm...While I'm hardly the most fun person in the world, I do have some interesting hobbies and tastes, some tidbits of which I hope to share. Of course being a CS grad student, I intend to discuss any interesting papers or developments in the field of CS. In particular you can expect me to post my thoughts on any Machine Learning/NLP/IR paper that catches my eye or maybe a fascinating talk from a conference I attend.

Since I'm quite new to this I would love to hear any comments from others, so long as they don't criticize any of my work :-) (...kidding ofc).
